Past conferences organised

Selected talks

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  • 9/2018: Operator K-Theory for Disordered Topological Insulators and Superconductors,
    Gauge Theory and Topological Quantum Matter, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
  • 3/2018: A cohomological approach to the Berezin fibre integral,
    Algebra and Geometry Seminar, University of Oklahoma, Norman
  • 3/2018: Supersymmetry and Harmonic Analysis,
    Mathematics Colloquium, University of Oklahoma, Norman
  • 9/2017: A cohomological approach to the Berezin fibre integral,
    Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley
  • 9/2016: Schur $Q$-functions and Capelli identities for the Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak q(n)$,
    Seminar Sophus Lie 50, Mathematical Res. and Conf. Center, Bedlewo, Poland
  • 5/2016: The Berezin integral-fermions, Gaussians, and localisation,
    Colloque IECL, Université de Lorraine, Metz, France
  • 7/2015: Supergroup actions and harmonic analysis,
    Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics XXXIV, Bialowieza, Poland
  • 5/2015: Superorbits,
    Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Physics, University of Cologne
  • 3/2015: Symmetric superspacs: slices, radial parts, and invariants,
    Priority programme SPP 1388, annual meeting, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
  • 2/2015: Invariant functions and operators on symmetric superspaces,
    Representation Theory–Introductory Workshop, Uppsala Universitet
  • 12/2014: Riesz superdistributions,
    Mini-Workshop 1449c Reflection Positivity, Oberwolfach
  • 12/2014: Harmonic analysis on Lie supergroups – An overview,
    Mini-Workshop 1449c Reflection Positivity, Oberwolfach
  • 6/2014: Supergeometry and superbosonisation,
    Colloquium of the School for Pure Mathematics, Universität Hamburg
  • 5/2014: Fourier inversion and Paley--Wiener theorems for rank one symmetric superspaces,
    Seminar Sophus Lie, Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • 5/2013: Globalisation of Harish-Chandra supermodules,
    Workshop on Super Representation Theory, Academia Sinica, Taipei
  • 3/2013: Moderate growth representations of Lie supergroups,
    Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Supergroups, Oberwolfach
  • 12/2012: Superbosonisation, lowest weight modules, and Riesz superdistributions,
    Lie Superalgebras, INdAM, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
  • 12/2012: Minicourse: Supermanifolds of maps and fields,
    Workshop on Graded Algebra and Geometry, Université du Luxembourg
  • 2/2012: Superbosonisation, Riesz superdistributions, and unitary highest weight representations,
    Seminar Sophus Lie–Journées MNRS, Université de Reims
  • 9/2011: Smooth vectors in supergroup representations,
    DFG-JSPS seminar ``Lie Groups: Geometry and Analysis, Universität Paderborn
  • 4/2011: A Paley–Wiener theorem for the super-hyperbolic disk,
    Transformation Groups and Mathematical Physics, Universität Paderborn
  • 2/2011: Quantum diffusion for a 3D SUSY lattice model/Invariant differential operators on symmetric superspaces,
    SFB/TR 12 review panel, LMU München
  • 6/2010: Invariante Differentialoperatoren auf symmetrischen Superräumen,
    Seminar mathematische Physik, Universität Marburg
  • 4/2010: Invariant differential operators on symmetric superspaces,
    Priority programme SPP 1388, annual meeting, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
  • 3/2010: The Harish-Chandra isomorphism for reductive symmetric superspaces,
    2nd Killing–Weierstrass Colloquium, Braniewo, Poland
  • 12/2009: Harmonic analysis on symmetric superspaces,
    Transformation Groups and Mathematical Physics IV, Universität Hamburg
  • 9/2009: Towards harmonic analysis on Riemannian symmetric superspaces,
    Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Physics, Gdánsk, Poland
  • 12/2008: emph{C$^*$-algebras of Wiener–Hopf operators,
    Oberseminar C*-Algebren Cuntz–Echterhoff–Werner, Universität Münster
  • 11/2008: Invariant differential operators on Riemannian symmetric superspaces,
    Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebras, and Representations, CIRM, Luminy
  • 11/2007: Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators,
    États de la Recherche, Géométrie non-commutative, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz
  • 9/2007: Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators on arbitrary cones,
    Infinite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis IV, University of Tokyo
  • 3/2007: An index theorem for Wiener-Hopf operators,
    German Mathematical Society, annual meeting, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
  • 12/2006: Ein Indexsatz für Wiener-Hopf-Operatoren,
    Graduiertenkolleg Gruppen und Geometrie, Universität Göttingen
  • 9/2006: Index Theory for Multivariate Wiener-Hopf Operators,
    Kyoto University, Japan
  • 9/2006: The Embedding of Discrete Series Representations of Facial Subgroups,
    Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar, RIMS, Japan
  • 3/2006: An Index Theorem for Wiener–Hopf Operators,
    Seminaire Algèbres d'Opérateurs, Institut de Mathématique de Jussieu
  • 9/2005: Index Theory for Wiener-Hopf Operators on Convex Cones,
    Quantization, Complex and Harmonic Analysis, Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna
  • 5/2005: Zur Indextheorie von Wiener-Hopf Operatoren auf konvexen Kegeln,
    Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis-Kolloquium, Universität Wuppertal
  • 6/2004: Geometry of Ol'shanskii Semigroups, and Applications to Operator Theory,
    Seminar Sophus Lie XXVIII, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz
  • 3/2004: Multivariable Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,
    Mathematics Colloquium, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA
  • 3/2004: The Geometry of Ol'shanskii Domains, and Applications to Operator Theory,
    University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA,
  • 12/2003: Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space of an Ol'shanskii semigroup,
    Section on Operator Theory, AMS-India Meeting #992, IIS Bangalore
  • 3/2000: Non-commutative Hardy spaces and Toeplitz operators over $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb R)$,
    Tagung Nichtkommutative Geometrie, Oberwolfach
  • 9/1999: Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb R)$,
    Programme on Complex Analysis, Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna